Nature always needs voices. Thanks for being one of them. Have fun!

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Thanks Rob!

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Juliet Wilson

Congratulations on starting your Substack newsletter. To offer unasked advice, I think you are wise the way you're starting out free. I make all my posts free, but there is a paid option also. Since subscribers who pay get exactly the same thing as everyone else, only readers who want to support the newsletter financially do so, generously and completely voluntarily. Interestingly, over 8% of my subscribers are paid, which as far as I can tell is about average for Substack. So I see no reason to limit my readership by hiding any posts behind a paywall.

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Thanks Diane! I definitely want everything to be free to start out with, I will go for the paid option eventually (as I've already had a generous pledge). But I want to work out how to go paid. I'm seeing quite a few people doing what you do, so that will probably be what I go for too.

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Welcome to Substack.

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